Wednesday, March 8, 2017

310 Better Together

So, here I am again! Yay!  Two years later and back up 100 lbs.  Well, if I was down to 217 and now I'm 310, it's really what?  93 pounds?  Okay.  Here's what happened.  I got pregnant and the plan went away.  Dr. Tague helped because I had a plan that was figured out for me.  All I had to do was buy the stuff and stick to the plan.  I got really good at improvising within the plan, substituting lean proteins for meal replacements, getting all of my fruits and veggies in. . .etc, but there was still a plan.  Once I got pregnant, I was afraid that the plan wasn't enough to feed my baby, so I went off script.  It took me two years, but I'm up over 300 again.  I could use this whole post to moan and complain about the weight gain.  I could go on about how the cards are stacked against morbidly obese people who lose weight, but we've heard that song and dance before.  I'm going to start here and talk about how I'm coming back.

So, I knew I was gaining all through pregnancy and beyond, but I wasn't too worried about it while I nourished my son (pregnant and nursing).  The moment I stopped nursing was the moment I decided to start weight loss.  Dr. Tague was the obvious choice since it worked so well the first time.  My husband pushed against the idea because of money.  We have a kid now and we are trying to save up to buy a house.  We also had struggles with him feeling left out or left behind during my weight loss journey and when I stopped to be pregnant, he sighed an almost audible sigh of relief.  I still called and set up a free appointment.  What I learned was that Dr. Tague no longer takes insurance.  The new cost of food and dr visits varied b/c sometimes my bloodwork could be run through my GP's office and therefore be covered and sometimes not.  We were looking at possibly $500 a month some months and less others.  That $500 stuck in Rick's brain and freaked him out.

I had kind of had this mentality of "Dr. Tague or NOTHING AT ALL!!"  So when Rick offered to do a cheaper weight loss program with me, I was strongly opposed.  In my brain, Tague was the only method that worked for me and everything else was a waste of time and effort.  It took a few minutes of discussion before I heard him say "I want to do it WITH you."  When I finally let that reach my brain, it awoke something in me.  I realized, I could do this if he came, too.

We looked into Jenny Craig and Nutrisystems.  Both had their benefits and pitfalls, but we finally landed on Weight Watchers.  The big thing for Rick was finding something that would teach him about eating healthy.  I work best if there's a plan, but he likes to figure this stuff out for himself.  I had tried WW before in the past and I know it didn't work for me because I didn't take it seriously.  Sonic grilled cheese and diet limeades were within my points range, but they did not make healthy choices.  I feel like this time I'm better equipped to be successful because of what I learned from Dr. Tague.  Weight Watchers gives me a number, but I choose how I'm going to divide that number up.  I know now how important proteins and fibers are.  I know how to get fruits and veggies in, and thanks to a change in WW, most fruits and  veggies are zero points!  Brilliant!  Now I don't have to choose between a carrot and a slice of bread!

I think the best part is that Rick is doing this with me and he is EXCITED!!  He's going on and on about his points and how he uses them to me and I think it's awesome.  He's learned about tuna (0 points!) and reduced calorie chips (3 points).  I told him this morning that he already looks thinner to me.  His reaction was to weigh himself.  The scale didn't show a difference so he was a little bummed, but we talked about how the scale doesn't always show every victory.  It's strange and new to share this with him.  He's always been so uninterested in all of this and now he's a man obsessed.  I love watching him learn.

He was on the phone with me last night singing the praises of his new 3 point bag of chips.  He said "maybe they taste so good to me because I've given up carbs?" and I laughed inwardly.  We just started this whole thing on Monday.  It was Tuesday.  I had just seen him eat almost a full bag of Southern Style Biscuits and Gravy Potato Chips on Sunday.  He had gone two whole work days without carbs.  Lol!  The struggle is real, folks.

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