I was going to do this a while ago, but just didn't. I thought I would go through each of the things I have to eat ("have to" not as in someone is forcing me, but as in that's what I have).
Vitamins and Supplements
I have fourteen pills in the morning and fifteen at night that I have to take. They vary in size, so I've been taking three at a time, making sure there's only one big one in each group of three. I tried taking them all at once in the beginning, but nearly choked. I don't know what all of them are for, but I do know the tiny gold ones are Vitamin D, the brown circles are Iron, the three larger speckled ones are a Metabolism Booster, and the giant gold ones are my Omega 3 fish oils. I'm going to take this opportunity to kind of boast about these Omega 3's. I have taken several kinds fish oil pills before. I gave up on them because no matter how much the bottle would brag about "no fishy aftertaste", I would always find myself minding my own business and all of a sudden being overcome by several rancid fish burps. Blech. These are the best Omega 3's I've had yet. Granted, I do have the occasional fish burp, but it's usually just one and it's not that powerful. I haven't even had a fish burp in the last few days. I'm very pleased with these.
8:00 a.m. Oatmeal

I admit, I didn't care for the oatmeal my first day. I prepared it according to the directions and the thickness and consistency grossed me out. I have since decided that adding more water and drinking it like a shake is much better. Though, it doesn't look that appetizing, does it? Rick asked me last week when I came home with all this food, why can't we just buy oatmeal from the store and portion it out? Little did either of us know that the oatmeal is not really oatmeal. Or at least, not oatmeal in a form I've ever known.
Technically, I am supposed to eat the oatmeal first and then take my supplements.
10:00 a.m. Chocolate Shake
The chocolate shake is pretty run of the mill. It tastes just like a Slim Fast shake. I got used to those a long time ago. I know it says to serve them cold, but I have come to prefer mine room temp because they go down faster. Honestly, this is pretty enjoyable for me. The straw is pretty fun. It telescopes out much like a tampon applicator.
12:00 p.m. Chicken Noodle Soup and White Cheddar Soy Crisps
The Chicken Noodle Soup is pretty good. It reminds me of those cheap Ramen Noodle packets, only if instead of boiling the noodle block, you just heat up the bouillon packet and add the noodle crumbs. It's satisfying because it is warm and therefore filling. I've learned that with the soups, it's best to stir the powder in hot water from the faucet and then microwave them for 1 minute. Before I added the microwaving step, even with boiling water, the powder would not fully dissolve and would leave a thick residue on my teeth.
I have the White Cheddar Soy Crisps on the side, and they are okay. They smell like that smelly European cheese. The texture bothered me. They're REALLY crunchy, and they break down into smaller REALLY crunchy pebble like pieces. I ended up figuring out that if I put them in the soup, it softens them. The smelly cheese flavor makes the soup less enjoyable, but it still tastes pretty good overall.
3:00 Chocolate Comfort Bar
This bar does not disappoint. While I'm still not sure if it would actually melt in higher temperatures, this is what I have to look forward to in the mid afternoons. The flavor is not unlike a Nestle Crunch bar, and there are actually little crisps inside, although not very many. If it gives you any idea, I got in my car, ripped into this bar and was chewing on my first two squares before it occurred to me to take a picture. I even gave my husband a half a square the other day and he was impressed. Whoever named this bar hit the nail on the head.
4:30 Satisfy Fiber Drink
I don't know if you can tell, but this turns into more of a gel when it sits long enough (5-10 minutes). I was drinking it slowly tonight because we went on a few errands before dinner and I knew I wasn't going to be back for a while. The whole point of this drink is to prepare your stomach to be full at dinner time? Or make you fuller? I don't know. It's a cherry lemonade flavor, and while it smells awful, it tastes pretty good. It grosses my husband out, though, and he wasn't too patient with me holding the bottle upside down once we had stopped waiting for that last little bit to ooze out.
5:00 Beef Vegetable Soup and Chocolate Shake
I know it doesn't sound like a whole lot, but once I have that Beef Vegetable Soup and Chocolate Shake, I'm good to go for the rest of the evening. I still have cravings, and it seems like around dinner time is when they get the worst, but these two beauties help me feel full and satisfied. I already talked about the shake, and the soup is a lot like the Chicken Noodle, only beef flavored, and it has little dehydrated carrots in it. It's quite good.
7:00 Vanilla Shake
The Vanilla Shake is pretty tasty, although it leaves a weird after taste in my mouth. This really isn't a big deal, though, because I can just brush my teeth or drink lots of water with my pills to make it go away. It did start to gross me out when I realized how similar it looked to breast milk. . .
Overall, the food is doable. I generally don't care what I eat throughout the day, but it seems I have the strongest cravings around dinner time. I mentioned that I drank the Satisfy Fiber on the way to running errands. It lasted me about 45 minutes, and by the time we got to Sam's Club, I was longing for that big box of Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls and wondering when I would be able to EAT again. I actually got pretty testy with Rick over something small and I realized I was agitated about not being able to eat food NOW. Once we got home and I had some soup and shake, I calmed down.
This meal plan is designed to keep my metabolism working by having me eat every 2-3 hours. The times I put on each heading were approximations, and I think I ran in to trouble because there was too big of a time gap between my fiber drink and actual dinner. I'm still getting the hang of this thing, but I'm pleased with it so far.
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