Thursday, November 8, 2012

PCOS . . . You Jerk.

I want to be pregnant.  I always thought it would be super easy for me and maybe it would have been ten years ago when I was younger and closer to 200 lbs than 300 lbs.  But no, I have been diagnosed with a condition called PCOS (Polly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and apparently, that makes getting pregnant difficult.

I have read up on it a little and a few girls have said that when they dropped 20 lbs or so they got preggers, so I'm hopeful.  I'm hopeful right now especially because I have dropped 15 lbs since August, so, yeah.

Reason for bringing this issue up again today:  The last couple of days I've had some symptoms that make me wonder.  I got nauseous and dizzy on Monday because I had to drive up a very steep hill.  I'm actually feeling it again just thinking about it.  Tuesday I had some spotting even though I had just finished my period a couple of days earlier.  Yesterday was pretty normal, but today (Thursday) I woke up with an awful headache (which isn't uncommon for me) that was accompanied by nausea and a pain that felt like a pinch in a straight line to the side of my abdomen.  It didn't feel like sore muscle pain from the crunches I did earlier.  It felt different.  I wasn't doing so hot this morning, enough so that my husband pleaded with me to not go to work (I went, anyway).  My mouth was doing that watering thing that it does right before you throw up and I had to think about other things because I really felt like I may throw up on the drive over here.  When I got to work, I took 2 Excedrin Migraine pills and I felt better by the time the kids came into my room.  Am I pregnant or is my PCOS just getting a kick out of messing with me?

It would be great if I were pregnant.  Then we could wait a few weeks and tell our families on Christmas Day!  Wouldn't that be awesome!?!

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