So, my work has a health initiative program that kind of sucks. We've had $20 a month health care for years. I only had it for one year before they started the initiative, but I think that's long enough to get used to it. The health initiative requires all USD 501 employees to sign participate in healthy activities every quarter. Last year, when it started, we were only asked to participate in one activity per quarter, this year it's two. If we do not fill out the proper paperwork, our health insurance spikes up to $110 a month. My high morals have been put to the test on this one. They have failed me. I am not involved in any of the approved activities. There's a stubborn side to me that doesn't want to exercise now that a knife is being held to my throat. The high road would be for me to say "Forget you! I'll exercise when I want to!" Yup. That would be great. Unfortunately, we can't afford that. So then my incredibly high moral standard would then require me to fall in line and exercise as I have been directed. Yup. That hasn't happened.
What have I been doing for the past year? I have been lying. . . kind of. This all started in January 2011, right after I got married. One of my options in this program is to keep an exercise log. The idea is, I work out at least three times a week at home for 30 minutes of my own time and keep record of it. So. . . I've been recording the number of times Rick and I have sex and labeling it "Cardio". Lying, but not really. I was fastidious at first about exact dates, but after the first quarter, I just started guessing about dates. Our average "doing it" rate is about 3 times a week, normally ranging from 20 to 45 minutes. Lying, but not really.
So, I am aware that I am only hurting myself. I continue to do things to trip myself up and weaken my health. I continue to live in pain and not fit in public chairs or fit in my clothes. But at least I'm not slaving away for my communist overlords, right? Right?
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