I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I'm an elementary music teacher. I love my job and I feel like I'm pretty good at it. Recently, though, I've been noticing things about myself that have hindered my ability to perform my job. I guess it never occurred to me that being fat could get in the way of me being a good teacher.
It all started a week or two ago when I asked my friend, Josh, how the part time music teacher at his school is working out. Josh is the full time music teacher, this other man, Dave, is only part time. Dave is older, rather rotund and riddled with various injuries from being older and rotund. Josh said he was doing okay, but Josh was concerned about Dave's ability to physically perform the job. I supposed that Josh was talking about doing movement activities and sitting on the floor with the kids during circle times. I didn't say anything, but I realized that I had those same problems.
In elementary school, it's called Criss Cross Apple Sauce. When I was a kid, we called it Indian Style. Whatever you call it, I can't do it anymore. My legs just won't stay that way. One will bend the way it's supposed to and the other will flop out of place. If I have to get on the ground, I will put both my legs in front of me, both bent off to one side, or I'll sit on my knees until that cuts off my circulation. When did this become such a difficulty for me?
Jumping. I have ended jumping full stop. I do not jump for anything. Part of it is that I broke my ankle a few months ago and it's still tender, and part of it is because I'm just too heavy to lift myself off the ground anymore. This limits a lot of movement in the music class since it's not uncommon to use jumping for all manner of activities. I do a lifting movement with my knees that mimics jumping. But Katie don't jump no mo.
Movement in general has ended in my teaching style. I don't have the kids get up and move very much. I have several spots in the room (stool, heating/cooling unit, my desk, student chairs) where I will park my butt while I teach. I have spent entire class periods behind my desk operating my computer on the projected screen. Since when is that music class?
Now, I could make an impassioned plea to myself for the sake of the kids and say "The KIDS need to move more in music class. It's for the KIDS." But really, the kids don't care. They'll come and do whatever it is I tell them we're doing, and I make whatever it is we are doing enjoyable no matter where I've parked my butt in the classroom. This is all about me. I want to beef up my music program with movement exercises. I want to be able to sit in a circle with the kids. I want to be more energetic and less afraid to use my ankle. I want to come up with cool ideas for the classroom that I can share with other teachers and have them say "Oooooooo! She's got her stuff together!"
I want to be able to jump again :(