School started August 16, and my first day, I was so excited, I got up at 5:00 a.m. to exercise. I haven't done it since.
I have changed my food intake, though. I drink a shake in the a.m. that consists of the following items:
- 1 scoop chocolate flavored protein powder (most protein shakes come with their own little scoop)
- 1 scoop non-fat powdered milk
- 1 scoop water
These are interchangeable:
- 1 tbsp honey
- 2 tbsp peanut butter
- 1 banana
I learned how to make different protein shakes like this when I worked at a cafe in a gym a few years ago.
For lunch, I eat a protein bar and drink lots of water. I heard that we often mistake thirst for hunger, so every time I feel hungry in the afternoon, I drink water.
For dinner, I've been keeping up my fatty mcfatty ways and eating whatever.
I have been trying to cut out sugar, since my body doesn't process it so well. I didn't think that would be that much of an issue, but it's crazy how much you crave something when you decide to cut it out on purpose. It's been a close call several times, since there's a Dollar General just down the street and I just want to go buy a box of Little Debbies. Gosh that sounds good right about now. . . But it's no longer all about me. I want to have a healthy non-diabetic baby. So, yeah. . .
Anyway, it's been almost 3 weeks and as of last Friday, I've lost 7 lbs. Tomorrow is weigh day, so I'm excited to see if my weight has changed.
My weight story in a nutshell:
On my wedding day, Dec 18, 2010, I weighed 280 lbs. Over the summer, I sat on my rear and ate whenever the mood hit. On August 14, I weighed 303 lbs. Last Friday, August 26, I weighed 296. My short term goal is to get down to my wedding weight. Maybe once I do, I'll take it up a notch.
Baby steps, People.